Starting Scared
Have you ever embarked on a journey and thought… what makes me think I’m so special. Well that’s exactly where I am. Welcome to my little corner of the internet.
My name is Alex, I’m a therapist, husband, father, and incredibly freaked out about this thing I’m trying to do. What is that thing you ask? Starting my own therapy practice.
Countless therapists have gone before me and started their own successful and vibrant therapy practices. For over a decade, I have dreamed of joining their ranks. Contrary to convention wisdom I’m going to let you in on a secret, I’m scared out of my mind. Not about being a therapist, but trying to get a small solo practice off the ground to provide for myself and my family.
So if you’re open to hearing the honest reflections or musings of a therapist who is still doing their own work, read on.
The therapy field is an odd one. This field has developed in a weird way and it’s actually incredibly difficult to find a job that pays therapists what they’re worth, lets them practice authentically towards their own specialities, and does not imposed unrealistic quota’s on them. I’ve been fortunate to work for some really great organizations over my career but the entire time I’ve dreamt of getting here - having my own practice, getting to support my clients in the way that is best for them and for myself, and fighting for financial stability for my family.
Despite this being a long-time dream, now that I’m here I’m quite worried. It’s not my first attempt into business ownership, the last time being in 2020 and I was drastically affected by the COVID pandemic. Today, I carry my own fears and anxieties, concerned that this endeavor will not take off.
Yet, I am doing this anyways.
So why do I tell you this? Well, truth is I’m doing this scared.
I am doing exactly what I ask my client’s to do, walking my own talk - so to speak.
If we wait until all reservations are resolved before we ever take a risk, we will be stuck in a perpetual state of waiting.
Through my personal and professional studies of human behavior I’ve learned a few simple truths:
There will never be a right time to start something.
The act of doing the thing you long for is one of the best ways to move them into reality and challenge the reservations.
Living in alignment to your own values is more fulfilling than reducing the symptoms of whatever holds you back.
So here I am, putting in the work. Challenging my own anxiety, fears, and self-doubt. Pursing the reality that I’ve always longed for.
Just as I would ask you to do.
If you can relate - if you want to work with a therapist who will help you enter the spaces you’re afraid of entering but have longed to be in - Let me know! I would love to be a part of this journey for you.